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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nietzsche: Fascist or Freedom Fighter? Part III

Nietzsche: Fascist or Freedom Fighter? Part III

On a another note, it must be regarded as good, what is meant by power in Nietzsche`s philosophy. Although many readers of Nietzsche find a strong Machiavellian influence of cold, ruthless authority, this conception is flawed. I will show how Nietzsche`s arguments are valid and correct as regarding the feelings of power and overcoming.
In Twilight of the Idols there is a reference to Cesare Borgia: "compared with us, a Cesare Borgia is by no means to be represented after my manner as a "higher man,` a kind of overman. "(Twilight of the Idols, p. 63) Here Nietzsche separates himself from cruelty and the suffering of the Borgia family, while playing with the Borgia`s family`s conception of Christ. The Medici were a crime family within the Church that made Nietzsche laugh! Cesare Borgia, a student of Machiavelli`s work, was as cold and ruthless as they come, Nietzsche mainly admired the hypocrisy of such an individual appearing.
Nietzsche`s true intentions with power and enlightenment had to do with overcoming, not overcoming others necessarily, but overcoming oneself and one`s suffering. In order to do this Nietzsche wrote for us, genealogies, guides, and polemics for us to see the true history of religion and especially Abrahamic religion. The failed mission of German Christianity was a huge motivational factor for Nietzsche`s work.
These were the very Germans who would go on to commit unspeakable atrocities at the hands of a thoroughly diabolical politician. Nietzsche`s Overman, was not Protestant or Catholic, but something more Buddhist and less nihilist. The selections regarding Buddhism in Nietzsche`s writings are nearly entirely positive, (save for a criticism similar to the Confucians, that they withdrew from society too much. See my article "Nietzsche`s problem in Buddhism) Nietzsche`s philosophy reflects the Buddhist system of belief in accordance with their shared belief in life affirmation.
Clearly Wagner, Hitler, and the Nazi`s beliefs were in accordance with death and vengeance and not life affirmation. Nietzsche states in Thus Spake Zarathustra For man to be redeemed from revenge "that for me is the bridge to the highest hope, and a rainbow after long storms. Otherwise, however the tarantulas would have it. "( Thus Spake Zarathustra, p. 161) Nietzsche associates the metaphor tarantula " for the typical German Protestant plebeian who was anti-Semitic, wrathful and vengeful even in Nietzsche`s time.

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