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Friday, June 22, 2018

Selections from the Antinihilist Manifesto

Selections from the Antinihilist Manifesto:

Dualistic realms posited outside our comprehension to satisfy a false need to retain an eternal self, identity and image is the type of faith I claim to have denied- this denial is the solution to the problem. Faith in the internal verisimilitude of being--coming to an understanding of which is my goal. But how do we reach this goal, and how can we truly adopt this respective great internal strength and self-affirmation? Identifying the problem is step one, curing its viral implications is step two.Antinihilist Manifesto -Chapter I

The mystics of old utilized negative theology to describe God. They used negative statements, i.e. what God is not, to honor the creator/sustainer/destroyer. God, or the ALL as I call it, was considered to be ineffable and unknowable. Due to this uncertainty behind defining the indefinable, mystics kept quiet and harnessed their powers their own way. The above sections have shown how the ineffable is becoming less unknowable and in actuality can be described. Through mathematical equations, quantum gravity and science as a whole the ineffable is now becoming unveiled.Antinihilist Manifesto -Chapter II

The split of past lives between active and passive forms of nihilism of dual motal energies is what the previous bounces of the universe consist. Equilibrium in Samsara so to speak has quite possibly never been reached. I have named the active nihilists in past bounces "Ezekiel"--these are the nihilists that are externally destructive. I have named the passive nihilists "Isaiah". Passive nihilism is internally destructive...Antinihilist Manifesto -Chapter V


The Gateways to Spiritualism

The Gateways to Spiritualism

All mystical traditions require the meditator to cycle through meditations on each of the four classical elements not counting the fifth of the Alchemists and the Chinese as this is the magical factor, electricity or metal depending on tradition. In Buddhism this is the first goal, to find the fifth element. To find it, you must cycle through the elements in various ways and patterns to discover your psychic powers and then your magic powers. Each element as we shall see in the coming chapters can be called a Dhyana when focused on spiritually:

  1. While meditating on earth, that is the substance of your body, your weight, your weight on whatever you are sitting and your perception of gravity, the ability to perceive an infinite space develops. This means is that your mind can perceive any point in conception through teleporting. Once you get here you can perceive it as there are limitless places a being can be.
  2. While meditating on water, that is the heart beat, the blood, the saliva the urine all the moisture in and around your body, the ability to develop a perception of infinite consciousness develops. This means you can perceive others emotions and thoughts through your feelings. At this level you should meditate on the fact that you can think any number of random things by perceiving the thoughts of your own through water.
  3. While meditating on fire, that is the heat in your body, the warmth from within a perception of nothingness develops. This means you can keep your thoughts quiet and clear the mind of everything. Nothingness of thought becomes the most focused meditation and the meaning as something that does not exist—thoughts.
  4. While meditating on air, that is the wind in your lungs, the air around your body and the breath, a perception of perception or not perception develops. What this is, is an opening into the understanding of past existences. A feeling of déjà vu develops and causes the individual to perceive themselves, outside of themselves. At this point, the mind begins to open and once the planets are thought of, psychic power is connected.
  5. While meditating on energy, on the energy running up and down your spine and your chakras, imagine the teaching you learned to get there falling away. This is the rising and falling of Dharmas it is the formless attainment for the fifth element. When one fully understands this fifth Dhyana all teachings will appear impermanent.

    By cycling through these element meditations, in various ways and patterns, the monk can calm himself and begin to discover spiritual powers. The monk should try ascending the Dhyanas from Earth to Air and then descending through them. They should skip them, order them and cycle through them every time they meditate. Heart beat then breath meditations will reveal something, so will earth and then heat meditations. Breath, now earth, now heart-beat, and you’ve skipped fire. Heat, earth, then breath and you’ve skipped water. This is why mysticism puts so much emphasis on the elements. It is almost as though Buddhism exists in its present form to stay as consistently opening the Dhyanas to everyone as possible

     The logic behind the cycling through elements presents itself as quite simple. As long as the classical elements or Dhyanas are fully understood as five-fold and distinct from any judgments based on the periodic table, the logic of certain mental states being caused by these meditations is pretty fluid. Tracing back my steps I can come to the conclusion that if I meditate on earth in the fashion spelled out in the tradition I am studying that then I will have perceptions of viewing things outside of my empirical perception. From here we can deduce at least that a meditation on earth will cause a perception and now that perception which is a priori analytic can now be studied as a type of knowledge that was not understood prior to this earth meditation.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Magick Equipment Part I

In all forms of Buddhism, there are said to be four or five Dhyanas, or meditational states. Each of these meditational states corresponds with one of the four primordial elements of earth, water, fire and air. First Dhyana is characterized by meditating on earth, and the solid parts of the body. The formless meditational state, the abstract attainment is said to be “infinite space”. The second Dhyana is characterized by meditation on water and the liquid elements of the body, like blood. The abstract meditational insight is usually referred to as “infinite consciousness”—the flow of thoughts like water in a river. The third Dhyana is fire, and naturally heat the body emits is the meditation subject. The formless attainment is nothingness, probably referring to clearing the mind of thought. The fourth Dhyana is air and thus, the wind in the body, the air in the lungs is meditated upon. The spiritual fruit of such an endeavor is the state of “perception or not perception”, a slight out of body experience where psychic powers are said to develop. The fifth Dhyana refers to enlightenment in Buddhism or where the elements begin and simultaneously cease to be.
In Chinese metaphysics the fifth element is metal, whereas in western astrology and alchemy it is often lightning. These tokens for the connective structure between the elements, indicates energy as an element that is grounded in enlightenment. It is this energy of lightening or metal which is symbolic for Li and Qi, principle and material force in Confucian cosmology. Likewise, this energy is the manifestation of Kundalini serpent power is Indian metaphysics. It is the soul in Western religions, this force of energy that is a manifestation of power and wisdom in the East. The soul is perhaps the Western equivalent for the chakra, the qi, and the vital spirit which is referred to in many different ways in most religions across the world.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beelzebul(US) - Hell is Earth

In Defense of Religion - Part IV Judaism

Of all the Abrahamic religions, Judaism is the oldest surviving tradition. It bears with it a very powerful mystical tradition and many elements of power and self-fulfillment. Of all the Western traditions, Judaism is the smallest, but also the wisest. Judaism hardly needs defense against its own dogmas—it needs to be defended from other groups. This article will expose the hypocrisy laden within modern day Christian anti-Semitism, Islamic anti-Semitism requires another article and will be addressed later.
In many forms of the Christian tradition, Judaism is misunderstood completely. The Jews are sometimes blamed for the alleged crucifixion of Jesus, and much controversy arises regarding this aspect of theology. I am attempting to sway Christians against this form of anti-Semitism. If Jesus was truly crucified (readers of my Gnostic articles will recall that I do not believe that he died on the cross) scriptures indicate that he was set up for this fate by the Pharisees. True, the Pharisees were a Jewish sect at the time, but they were not the only Jews around. There were Sadducees the believers in an eschatological doctrine dissimilar from the Pharisees hedonism, there were Zealots the religious activists there were Samaritans who possessed a creed of helping those in need, and there were the Essenes the mystical sect from the deserts. John the Baptist and Jesus were believed to be Essenes. Virtually all the sects other than perhaps the money lenders, the Pharisees, avoided misuse of the material realms in order to satisfy their spiritual impetus. The Essenes especially, were primarily focused on spiritual salvation. My first refutation of Christian anti-Semitism: how can we pigeonhole all Jews as like these Pharisees, when there were so many other sects of Judaism around? How can we blindly assume that Jews today are anything like the biblical Pharisees? How can a whole people in the first place be blamed for something that only one small community of Jews did in the first place?
My second basis for the refutation of anti-Semitism is simple: Jesus never abandoned Judaism, nor did he abandon his Essene mysticism. Christianity in its pure form should be considered a form of the Essene doctrine, and Christians should be consulting these texts for proof of my claims—see the Dead Sea Scrolls or any compilation of Gnostic scriptures. Thus, to hate a Jew as a Christian is truly to hate oneself! MY TAROT DECK

In Defense of Religion - Part III Christianity

St. Paul, or rather Saul was a persecutor of Christians and Christianity, who after an alleged vision, turned full circle and became Christian. One problem, he created his own form of Christianity in the process, defiled it, and disseminated on a large scale. While Christ was teaching select groups of Gnostics and other Essene (mystical Jewish sect) inspired groups, Saul, was playing double agent with the Pharisees and concocted a curse and a disease which we should call Pauline Christianity. Saul never quit being a persecutor, he created false doctrines which polluted the sea of Gnostic, Ethiopian and other scriptures. These scriptures—mainly Paul’s letters—established false dogmas of: 1) salvation through faith and 2) anthropomorphic zombie God, i.e. a version of Jesus which would have had to sleep with its mother in order to create itself, create itself to kill itself and kill itself to resurrect itself, if, of course this anthropomorphic deity was truly omniscient, omnipresent and omnibenevolent so-to-speak. What about the first error? I will briefly refute salvation through faith; if all one has to do in order to be saved, is to believe in the necromancy myth of Jesus, than I can do whatever I want, like possess all the uncontrollable emotions that the evangelical right possesses in their forums attempting to refute me. Thus, Christianity has been transformed into something other than what it was intended to be.
This article is still a defense of Christianity, it’s a defense from both the Pauline branches and the Atheists. Gnosticism means true Christianity in my critical religious lexicon. It should mean the same to you. The Gnostic texts outnumber those of the Canonized scripture, and follow a Buddhistic and Animistic course of nature. The mystical method employed in these scriptures paints a portrait of Jesus, a heroic healer of psychological problems caused by the Pharisees, a bringer of unparalleled wisdom, and a master of disguise who reappeared after his crucifixion, by no miracle other than Simon, the man who according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke “bore the cross for a while”, and according to several Gnostic texts, got crucified in his stead. Lithargoel was one of Jesus’ disguises in the Acts of Peter and the Twelve apostles. Peter could not even recognize him. I doubt the Extreme Pauline Christians can even comprehend this—Jesus was a man? Impossible! If only they could recognize their own savior!

In Defense of Religion - Part I Islam

As a part skeptic and part believer (agnostic), I see the arguments from both sides and believe a little from each. The first part of this series will be a defense of Islam, from a primarily political and historical perspective. In my last few articles I endeavored to write about the US and its relations with Islamic nations. I explained that from the fundamentalist perspective in any religion, much harm can be caused. I also mentioned that when the fundamentalist sect of Islamic Wahhabism took to power it caused a change in Islam. This change, ushered in war. In later parts of this series I will criticize Christian and Western extremism, but in this article I will flesh out this critique and defense of religion.
The fundamentalist Wahhabism sect originated within Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia in the 19th century. Although some scholars attribute the origins of Osama bin Laden’s extremism to be the Egyptian Sayyid Qutb, I disagree. Although, I certainly think that figures like Qutb, the artist and intellectual who was executed by the Egyptian government certainly did not hurt the inspiration of the extremism of today, I believe it grounded more in Wahhabism. The Wahhabi sect brings to Islam a new approach. Strict exegesis is employed and the methods used to perform these interpretations are primarily literal. When fundamentalist Christians read the Bible they often come to violent conclusions, and the same holds true for Islam. Completely ignoring Mohammad’s clear disposition on his respect for Judaism, the Patriarchs and Christ, extremist sects have waged war against them. Naturally it does not help, that the Quran expresses love for the Gnostic Christ that most Christians have forgotten, but it does do Abrahamic religion justice with its metaphorical, spiritual, and religious message.
Yet, there is a problem here. People are dying in the name of Islam the wrong way. While it’s true many Muslims are clearly being punished unfairly by their enemies, I’m afraid this has only facilitated the spread of a more and more literal interpretation of the “Chastisement by Fire”. Revenge is certainly not what Mohammad taught, he taught peace and righteousness, and he only acted out of self-defense. Mohammad the man, is the least opaque of all Abrahamic religious figures, we should have the best idea of who he was. Mohammad was the messenger who through beautiful words, and incredible knowledge of battle defended his people and created a religion of submission to God, the ninety-nine names that describe the universe, being, and the ineffable knowledge that requires so many names in the first place. I also fear that sectarian strife has eliminated our collective unconscious to the extent where extremist sects of Islam have submitted themselves to politics, revenge and emotion and not God. In addition, the arrogance of the West has only facilitated this by so much generalizing, and assuming that Islam has always been a violent religion. In closing, if you are to be angry with these views, please respond to them, but at least wait until I go throughout the globe and discuss how religions have deteriorated elsewhere.